Cigarettes Informative Speech

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Today i am going to be talking about wether or not should cigarettes be illegal or not. The three things i am going to be talking about is how they are fatal, the health risks, and the population and how it affects all three parts.
Cigarettes are very fatal because they can gives you all types of diseases like lung cancer, and tumors. Also cigarettes cane very dangerous to some people more than others because when you take a hit from a cigarette you are breathing in 7000 plus chemicals. Some examples of the ways cigarettes are fatal are liver disease, cardiovascular disease, pneumonia and, peptic ulcers. Cigarettes can also effect how you think and it could mess with your mental abilities and mental emotions. The reasons why I'm saying this is because there have been numerous cases of people committing suicide over cigarettes because of what the cigarettes did to them and how it effected them. …show more content…

The first health risks is diseases and how many horrible diseases there are out that can kill you or put you in the hospital. The first couple diseases are cancer, cancerous tumors which isn’t really a disease but they can lead to a disease, the second one is Crohn’s disease which your intestinal lining becomes very swollen and you have bouts of nasty stuff, finally the last health risk i am going to be telling you about is Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease which is when you suffer from emphysema and

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