Chronicle Of A Death Foretold Essay

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Gabriel Garcia Marquez constructed his novella in such a way that he is not the author of the story that is being told. The narrator, the person who is writing a story, is a close friend of Santiago Nasar, one of the main characters of the novella. He carried out his own investigation and made his findings available to the reader in a prosaic form. So, the question is why Marquez decided to abstract himself and created a narrator instead of being a voice behind the curtain? Other questions relate to the narrator himself: why did he adopt such an unusual way of narration and why did he not hold the intrigue of Santiago’s fate, but told readers at the very beginning that he dies?
“The Chronicles of a Death Foretold” is one of the stories where the narrator is a fictional character. The narrator is on the other side of reality, he is on the same shore with characters from the book. It is not regular narration from a third person, where you would imagine the author chanting pages out loud about the world that he made up. What effects does it have on readers’ perception of the story? The narrator belongs to the fictional world that he is describing. He is not an outsider like Marquez would be. By making a go-between guy to do the narrative for him, Marquez makes story more alive. Readers do not look at the story as a pure fiction …show more content…

The story starts and ends with a death of Santiago Nasar. After the story is over there is nothing after it. The linear story would end at the point where readers can imagine the future of the characters. In “Chronicles of a Death Foretold” readers do not have this fancy. Small bits of the future of some characters are described along the way, but once the story is over there is a dark void, the curtains are closed. The murder was the beginning and the end of the story, but it was also the end of people’s lives. Santiago was not the only one who died that

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