Chroni Chronic Stress

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Life is full of frustrations and demands. For millions of individuals stress is a way of life. To a certain point stress can be healthy and beneficial; it can help you perform under pressure, keep you safe from danger and motivate you to do your best. But when stress becomes too overwhelming, it can impact your health, mood and quality of life. If, by understanding how the body’s stress response works, then a person is able to recognize the signs and symptoms of stress, therefore avoiding health problem in the future. Stress can be experienced manly in these three stages of life: Childhood, adolescence and adulthood. Each expresses different levels of stress that impacts health behavior and health outcomes. Throughout this essay, it will explain how results from childhood can lead up chronic stress in socioecomical disadvantage adults, how stress is coped with and how nurses can resolve issues with chronic stress. In the end childhood stress is the root cause of adult disease, both physical and mental. …show more content…

This can began at an early stages of life impacting your health for later years. In early stages of life chronic stress on the brain impacts the structure and functioning of the frontal cortex and limbic system. Stressful events that were overwhelming to an individual capacity to cope causing trauma and mental illness for later years. Nurses need to educated and be aware of how children are being raised and giving the parents information on what is done at an early age that can lead to a negative result in adulthood. Each of us come from different background. Some more fortunate than others, but for the socioeconomic disadvantage they have more of a negative outcome. Studies have shown that stress impacts a person’s mental health, physical health, and health behaviors. Stress causes long-term consequences that begins at childhood and fluctuate throughout

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