Chromosome 21 Eugenics Summary

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In his chapter “Chromosome 21: Eugenics,” Matt Ridley argues that the main reason eugenics is wrong is because it requires the removal of basic human rights. He begins with a brief history of eugenics, how it began in Britain, and how it spread to the rest of the world. Ridley points out numerous times in this chapter that many countries used eugenics for personal or political gain. When Karl Pearson, one of the earliest eugenics supporters, brought eugenics to Britain, it was under the belief that it would keep Britain ahead of other countries and produce a better population. In Germany, the population accepted eugenic beliefs because they believed that it would better the economy, population, and wealth structure. The United States even used eugenics for political reasons, like anti immigration. While most of these countries ended up with sterilization and marriage laws, Britain was one of the few that never adopted either. …show more content…

Ridley talked about this for an extensive amount of time in his chapter because Britain did not lack support when it came to passing sterilization and marriage laws. Many scientists and political groups favored eugenic laws and even pressured Britain into attempting to pass two. He gives credit to Josiah Wedgwood and religion in Britain for preventing the passing of sterilization and marriage laws. Josiah Wedgwood greatly opposed eugenics and fought the first proposed bill that contained eugenics laws. Britain presented a bill a second time but it was during a time period where people were beginning to turn away from eugenics, and ended up not fully passing. By fighting these bills Ridley claims that Josiah Wedgwood discovered the key issue with eugenics. He explains that the key issue with eugenics is not the science supporting it, but the deprivation of human rights that it

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