Christina Rossetti's Poetry: Controlled and Passionate

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Christina Rossetti's Poetry: Controlled and Passionate

Rossetti's poetry has been described as both controlled and

passionate. Making clear what you understand by the terms discuss

which of these two views you have more sympathy with and why. Refer

closely to at least three of the set poems.

Christina Rossetti poetry uses concise structures but through these

she expresses immense emotion; in this respect her poetry can

accurately described as "both controlled and passionate" yet the two

words are almost a paradox as passion is frequently seen to be at odds

with controlled tight structures. Other poets have also followed in

Rossetti's footsteps by combining tight structured poetic forms with

emotion e.g. Dylan Thomas.

L.E.L is a prime example of Rossetti's technique; it combines a

complex structure with a very emotive outcry. The structure is very

precise with each verse not only rhyming within itself, in an A, B, A,

B, C, C, C pattern, but also within pairs of stanzas containing a

pattern between them on the 5th to 8th lines. The 2nd and fourth lines

provide visually rhyming lines throughout the poem connecting each

verse although when the poem is read aloud the lines do not rhyme

verbally. Rossetti also plays with structures in the poem, beginning

with an elegiac stanza form ("a Quatrain of four iambic pentameters

rhyming A, B, A, B" - Pears Cyclopaedia) before diversifying into her

own version ending with C, C, C. The elegiac stanza form helps

contribute to the passion by setting the tone for the poem while at

the same time Rossetti alters the form to suit her needs showing

creativity within her "control". The latter section of each stanza is

in a different tone relating and contrasting the emot...

... middle of paper ...

... with more flair in

her earlier poetry, with later works settling into more conventional

forms. Thus it is difficult to decide which argument to have more

sympathy with as both control and passion are constantly intertwined

and also changed as Rossetti grew older.

Work Cited

Rossetti, Christina. The Poetical Works of Christina Georgina Rossetti. With Memoir and Notes &c. Ed. William Michael Rossetti. London; New York: Macmillan, 1904.

Works Consulted

Armstrong, Isobel. 'A Music of Thine Own': Women's Poetry. in: Joseph Bristow, Victorian Women Poets. Emily Bronte, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Christina Rossetti. Basingstoke and London: Macmillan Press Limited, 1995, 32-63.

Harrison, Antony H. Christina Rossetti in Context. Brighton: The Harvester Press, 1988.

Marsh, Jan. Christina Rossetti. A Literary Biography. London and Sydney: Pimlico, 1995.

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