Christina In The 50's

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Life is an ever changing environment, constantly evolving into a bigger and better world. While some people may be stuck in what feels like the old days, most of the generation today have no idea how extremely fortunate they are. To convey the similarities and differences between Brenda and Christina, I’m going to compare and contrast life luxuries, food, and hobbies from the 50’s to today. First I’m going to describe Brenda’s lack of luxuries in the 50’s. Growing up, Brenda’s household lacked the basic necessities that we all take for granted. The absence of indoor plumbing, heat, and water made life laborious for her entire family. Since there was no indoor plumbing, her family created what we would call an “outhouse”. It was a small wooden shack with just a single homemade board to sit on. With the …show more content…

She drew water from a well every morning at the crack of dawn since this was their only water source. She also had to chop wood in order to bathe, cook, and just to stay warm. Although lack of luxuries was an important factor in the 50’s, another struggle was obtaining food to feed the family. Meat was limited to anything that was caught by hunting if they were fortunate to catch something that day. Any animals that they killed was prepared by herself by skinning, gutting and cleaning. Once a month Brenda was “blessed” with commodities which was free food given to them from the government. These usually included cheese, canned meat, flour, and peanut butter. Due to the deficiency of food, they usually had one luxury day. It was held on Sundays and were designed to celebrate religious beliefs. Each Sunday they killed three of their chickens and prepared their meal on Saturdays because Sundays were considered “a day of rest”. Brenda had many hobbies as a child. She loved spending time outdoors, climbing trees, hula hooping, swinging on the tire swing, and picking

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