Christian Worldview: The Weaknesses And Strengths Of Christianity

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Christian Worldview has increased all around the world since 1st century A.D. Christianity believes in the Trinity. Trinity is one God who exists in three forms: Father, Son, and Holy spirit. This religion is held together by essential teachings, biblical text, and ministry. There are three branches of within Christianity: Eastern Orthodoxy, Roman Catholicism, and Protestantism. In the United States, the most common practices of Christianity are Roman Catholicism and Protestant. Christianity is one of the many powerful worldviews that has many strengths and weakness. This religion explains God, humanity, Jesus, and restoration.

God is described by many Christians as is sovereign, meaning supreme. Lord is also holy. He is perfection and immortal “You must be perfect as your heavenly father is perfect” (Matthew 5:48). God is described in positive ways “God is good, loving, just, jealous, faithful” (DiVincezo, 2014, p. 30). God is also described as omnipresent meaning he …show more content…

This religion has many strengths and weakness. I believe one of the weakness of Christianity is war. The Christian faith wanted to take control over the Holy Land, and capture it from the Muslims (“The Crusades”, 2001). This war brought blood shed and anger for many years. This war is called the Crusades (“The Crusades”, 2001). Even though Christianity has some weakness, it also has strength. I see Christianity as love and forgiveness. Christianity can bring a community together, support one another, and forgive. Forgiveness is a hard concept which is learned through out ones lives.

Over the last few years I have developed my worldview. I believe in aspects of Christianity but I do not practice this faith. My main worldview that is related to Christianity is reaching heaven and hell. I believe a person can reach heaven by expressing love, having strong moral, and forgiving. My worldviews will probably grow each year when I experience new

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