Christian Worldview Research Paper

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Restoration According to the Christian worldview the solution to humanity's problems lies in salvation through Jesus Christ alone. Christian salvation is made up of equal parts grace and faith. People must place their faith for salvation in Christ. They must confess that they are a sinner unworthy of entry into heaven and in need of a savoir. Being in need of a savoir means acknowledging that there is no amount of prayer, good works, sacraments or rituals that will guarantee salvation. God then grants salvation through his grace alone and not on the basis of anything the person has done. ("Rescue, Redemption and Renewal") Christians believe the transformation of self and society happens through God's saving grace. The belief is that as …show more content…

Opportunities to live out the Christian worldview do not just happen on Sunday or in church settings. I find the places I have the most opportunity to demonstrate Christian values are in secular settings. I work as a behavioral therapist at a non-profit company that serves children with special needs. All of our students have been diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder or some other emotional or learning disorder. I work in our very hectic early intervention unit. Some of the students in my unit are as young as two. Our students don't always understand their therapy and become upset easily. Lots of people I meet tell me my job is difficult. I tell them that I don't have a problem with my job because it the calling God has chosen for me. This often opens up conversations about God's purpose for all of us as individuals. I find people are often very curious and want to know more about how I came to know God and his plan for me. As a good Christian I make a conscious effort to turn away from sin and keep God's commandments. This can sometimes be difficult. I find it helpful to keep a journal of my actions each day. I keep this journal with my bible and write my 'actions chart' with my daily devotion after my reading. I make two columns. In one I write what I did well that day and in the other column I write sins I committed that day. I find this is a very effective tool for helping me see what areas I need to pray about and in what areas the Holy Spirit has helped

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