Christian View of Statment 'Honesty is the Best Policy'

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Christian View of Statment 'Honesty is the Best Policy'

This essay will discuss whether 'honesty is the best policy'. It is written through the eyes of a Christian, and will often refer to the Bible. The essay will bring up biblical matters, and also issues that affect the lives of others and ourselves, that relate to honesty.

Being honest has many benefits. In the Bible, it states many times that 'honest people are blessed' for example Psalm 112. The Bible also states that 'when a man is honest he will receive love and kindness'

(Psalm 112). The wicked will not like the honest and will hate and try to destroy them. But the word of the Lord has promised, 'The wishes of the wicked will come to nothing' (Psalm 112: 10). The Bible also points out that when you choose to tell the truth, the Lord is pleased (Psalm 112). Also if telling that truth causes a change in your plans for having some fun God will provide you with another safer opportunity to enjoy yourself (Genesis 26: 1-11). God wants us to tell the truth for our own benefit, so we don't get hurt. Sometimes telling a lie can hurt someone more than we imagine. The Bible makes it clear, that 'people who tell the truth will be respected, and will please both God and people' (Proverbs 3: 3-4).

A lie is a lie. Many times we try to tell ourselves that some things aren't true. We tell ourself that spreading rumours doesn't matter, or that there's no harm in shoplifting. When we believe these lies, we're only deceiving ourself (Leviticus 19: 16-17). In James 3: 1-12, it is pointed out that you can not tell the truth and lie at the same time. The Bible points out that a half-truth is a lie.

A lie is slow to heal. When we lie and somebody finds out,...

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...were wrong, others would hate and despise you for the lies you told. The ones who hate and despise you may not have done wrong in the eyes of the world, but in God's eyes they have committed the greatest sin of all by not forgiving you (Mark 11: 26). When you tell the truth God is pleased with you and when you ask for forgiveness he forgives you (Isaiah 55: 7).

Summing it all up. Being honest isn't easy. When a lie is made it grows. Like a disease it will grow. Without treatment it will thrive. To admit to a lie is its cure. Though a cure is given, some diseases get worse before they get better. With lies, to admit is to be humble. For the proud, to be humble is more anguish to their ego, than to live with a lie. But afterwards comes the reward of honesty. The blessings of God. Therefore 'Honesty is the best Policy'.


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