Christian Education Philosophy Paper

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As Christian educators, our goal is to prepare students to listen and obey God’s voice. Our job revolves around applying principles and utilizing curriculum which enables us to do so. As an educator, I should know the content I teach and be dedicated to mastering all the skills and knowledge needed to connect the student with the subject matter. I need to have a strong biblical base. This paper discusses my beliefs of a Biblical philosophy of education and my personal application of this philosophy in the Kindergarten classroom.
In my personal philosophy, my core foundation is centered on Christ. In my classroom, all paths of knowledge will stem from God. My students were made in the image of God (Gen. 1:26-27); they are created with a specific purpose in God’s plan; students are fallen and separated from God through sin (Rom. 3:23; Romans 12:5; Hebrews 9:27); and that God acted through Jesus Christ to redeem a people from among our fallen race (Rom. 5:8; Revelation 5:9). They are created with physical, mental, spiritual and social interests (John 2:23-25). My students …show more content…

I was confident in my conviction that education is the great equalizer that enables students to live up to their God-given ability, and consider my classroom as my mission field. If I, as a Christian and an image-bearer of God, I am going to live out my purpose as I teach my students, I must be intentionally imitating God’s character as I do His work and use the subject matter I teach in my classroom to show God’s truth to my students. The duty of the Christian school and the duty of the Christian is to honor and praise God (“Truth”). God is glorified when I do my best work, when I treat my students as the created, fallen, and redeemed image-bearers that they are, when I look for Him and His truth daily in my classroom, and when I acknowledge that I can do nothing of value in my classroom apart from Him and His

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