Christian Beliefs About Sanctity of Life in Relation to Abortion

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Christian Beliefs About Sanctity of Life in Relation to Abortion

Christians believe in the sanctity of human life. They believe it is

sacred and should not be treated badly or discarded thoughtlessly.

Christians believe that God created the world and everything in it

including man. They also believe that God created the world good. In

the book of Genesis it states that man was created in 'God's image'

this means that man was made in the reflection of God so man has some

of the same characteristics as God and has a special relationship with

God, God is able to relate to man. Nothing else was made in the image

of God and this makes Christians believe that humans are special and

have a responsibility to God to care for each other and creation. A

quotation that supports these points is 'then God said 'Let us make

man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of

the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the

earth, and over all the creatures that move on the ground.'(Genesis

1:26-27). Therefore Christian's believe that human life is valuable to

God and that God cares for and looks after each individual. They also

believe that man has a soul 'the breath of life' which carries on

living after our bodies die, no other animal has a soul and so this is

another thing which makes humans special and another reason why

Christians believe in the sanctity of life. Christians also believe

that God cares about life because Jesus Christ was not only human, but

also God and he chose to live life as a human being. And they also

believe Jesus came to die to heal the broken relationship between God

and humans.

In the Bible there are Ten Commandments telling people how to live

their lives and there are the two that most reflect Christian's

beliefs in the sanctity of life. The first is 'thou shalt not kill' or

'thou shalt not murder', which tells us that we shouldn't kill anyone

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