Chinese Mythology Essay

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Chinese mythology began in the first dynasty of China. Their were many many many gods and goddess of the Chinese myths. Some important factors in Chinese mythology include Taoism(the search for immortality - literal, physical immortality) Confucianism(He taught the virtues of order, structure and correct behavior) And Buddism(the main religion of China) And some God’s and Goddesses’ are Heng-O, The Chinese moon goddess, Heng-O was the mother of the 12 moons and 10 suns. Mu GongYang counterpart of Yin goddess Si-wang-mu, creator god Mu Gong was the Lord of the East. Nugua, a Chinese creator goddess who made man from area mud. Pangu, the Chinese creator god who emerged from the cosmic egg. Shangdi was the supreme deity during the Shang dynasty and creator god before Pangu.
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