Chimpanzee Characteristics

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Introduction: Common chimpanzees are a specie of the apes and the evidence shown in their traits show that they are related to humans. Chimpanzees are covered in black hair except for their faces, ears, palms of their hands, and the soles of their feet. Both males and females chimps have a white beard and young chimps may have a whiter complexion compared to the older chimps. As the males and females chimps age, their forehead is often bald and their back becomes gray. The size and appearance of chimpanzees can vary, but male chimpanzees are often larger than the females. Chimpanzees are either swinging on trees or knuckle walking on the ground. Chimpanzees live in many different habitat types. Their habitats include dry savannas, evergreen rainforests, montane and swamp forests, and dry woodland (Cawthon Lang). They are often very adaptable to climate changes and can live in both terrestrial and arboreal environments. Because of the different environments chimps live in, their behaviors are developed based on where they live. Chimpanzees are usually found in Africa and is inhabited in 22 countries, with the largest population of chimpanzees are found …show more content…

The usage of tools among common chimpanzees in the wild shows their ability to make use of their resources and their capability to modify and perform these tasks. Captive chimpanzees are very different that wild chimpanzees because of the environment they live in. While wild chimpanzees would often need to hunt for food in order to survive, captive chimpanzees have food provided to them. Wild chimpanzees are usually more intelligent and more violent than captive chimpanzees because the need to depend on themselves for survival. The culture of chimpanzees are also different depending on the environment they live in. Similar to humans, the behavior and traits of chimpanzees are learned and cultural practices can vary among different

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