Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: The Danger Of A Single Story

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During the first quarter of the year in WMST 1172, the most influential reading I read/listened to would be, The danger of a single story by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. This is because the idea of the single story proposed by Adichie related and linked to my own personal experiences with stereotypes made by others in the dominated white community I lived in for the first half of my life. Correspondingly, according to Adichie, people who know only one part of the story, not the whole story, create stereotypes. In other words, the stereotypes created are from incomplete stories individuals hear. And although they may be true, they should not be used as a way to define a group of people. An experience that significantly stood out to me was when I moved to a different quadrant of the city, which was mainly composed of white communities. Prior to moving to this new quadrant, my family and I resided …show more content…

This is because after elementary, I moved into an Asian dominated junior high and high school. In this environment, Asian stereotypes were not taken seriously and were more often told as jokes. For example, what do you call a Vietnamese person walking a dog? A vegetarian! (my favorite joke). However, though I got over the stereotypes, my elementary years still haunt me as of today. I am now more socially awkward and uncomfortable when I am the minority or I am around white individuals. It frightens me that when I am around people who aren’t the same color as me because I feel like the judgments and incomplete stories will start to erupt, and that the incomplete stories will lead to the development of stereotypes and thus once again reenact my elementary years. This environment and atmosphere is reenacted every Monday and Wednesday’s in the WMST dialogue, where I am the minority and feelings of anxiety start to come

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