Children Should Grow Up With Alcoholic Parents

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One out of every five Americans above 18 lived with an alcohol abuser as a child. Alcoholism influences families throughout the entire world. When a person drives under the influence of alcohol and gets in a bind with the law, they will obtain a DUI. This is a very serious crime because the individual is not only putting themselves at risk, they are also threatening the safety of all of the people around them. Endangering not only their own health, alcoholic parents cause major difficulties for their children. Some believe that approving parents with alcoholic problems to see their children allows a family to carry out the way that the members remain accustomed to. Although some may argue that children should grow up with their parents no …show more content…

In a powerful essay concerning the impact of alcoholism on daily life, the American Addiction Centers claim, “children of individuals who abuse alcohol are four times more likely to abuse alcohol themselves” This does not only attribute to parental role modeling, but it is also an effect of genetics on the likeliness of alcoholism spreading throughout families. If children are exposed to problem-drinking during their younger years of life, then they possess a larger tolerance and acceptance of alcohol because they have seen their parents use it for a large duration of their life. Proving that children automatically have a higher likelihood of problem-drinking, parents that have been in jail for DUIs should not hold custody of their offspring. Windle specifies that if parents abuse alcohol, then their children will view problem-drinking as justifiable. Looking up to their parents, children may grow an impression that alcohol is an enjoyable substance to abuse and are more likely to try it themselves. Due to higher chances of eventual alcohol abuse, parents with alcohol issues do not need to jeopardize the future of their children. Windle also focuses on the prospect of teenage drinking as a result of parental acceptance, which supports the argument that parents with jail history due to DUIs pose as an unfavorable influence on their children. …show more content…

According to the American Addiction Centers, problem-drinking may heighten drunk driving and domestic abuse rates. This assumption causes alcohol to seem less glorified because it highlights just a few effects of alcohol consumption.sss Drunk driving is dangerous as it is, but if a parent were to drink and drive with their children in the vehicle, then it becomes even more alarming situation. Equally dangerous, domestic abuse may correlate with alcoholism. Anyone would want to take the child out of the situation and place them where they can get the love and positive attention that they need while growing up. Those with a history of DUIs will most likely put their children at risk, consequently, they should not obtain custody of a child. In an impressive article on the effects of parental alcoholism, the Research Society on Alcoholism dissects the issue of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in babies and asserts that it affects everything to come in the lives of those who have it. About one in 100 babies will be born with FASD causing them to have compromised motor, sensory, and social skills. Relying on their parents, children with FASD cannot do everything on their own, and a parent with jail history due to DUIs should not be trusted with them. One point the World Health Organization makes in the article “Society Should Focus on Reducing the Negative Impacts of

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