Children Of Men By Alfonso Cuaron

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Children of Men Movie that came out on December 25, 2006, directed by Alfonso Cuaron is one of the most famous Hispanic directors in the cinema world. Children of Men is based on a novel made by PD James and it is about apocalyptic future in which human beings have stopped being able to reproduce. Laboratories also cannot carry out the conception of human embryos and knowing the imminent end of their existence makes all the inhabitants of the planet behave in a chaotic way and live in eternal neglect. Immigrants are treated as high-level criminals and riots and urban guerrillas are the daily bread. This movie is good to criticize because is its plot, soundtrack, emotional impact, and cinematography because of these factors this movie is such …show more content…

For example, the big explosion at the beginning they did all these scenes with only one camera shot giving a sensation of realism, out of the ordinary. They included these shots at one of the final scenes that maintain the audience interested and focus on the movie and It takes place in a city that is a complete battlefield and Cuarón cannot think of anything else than to put the camera in the middle, dragging the spectator into the depths of the conflict, leaving him as surprised as he is ecstatic. “Along the way, they are pursued by Homeland Security troops, and there is a chase scene with one of the most sudden and violent moments I have ever seen in a film. Not all of the chases in all of the Bournes equal this one, shot in a single take by one camera, for impact.”. In my opinion, the camera shots are of big importance in all the movies but in this movie, in specific this shot are amazing and give the movie such a feeling of …show more content…

Before the first scene begins, with the screen still in black, we hear what we assume is the news of the radio or television. In this same main scene, a bomb explodes, and we hear a beep, the beep that the protagonist hears inside his ears. It is a way of identifying with the protagonist from the beginning. We see what he sees thanks to the camera in hand, and now we also hear what he hears. This sound serves as a transition to the next scene, as it remains for a long time. The beep will reappear in the plane-sequence of the end, where again there will be more bombs and shots that cause that same effect.” Eschewing a traditional score, the director combines rock, pop, hip-hop and classical pieces to create one of the most unconventional cinematic soundscapes in recent memory.” Is interesting how the sound is a fundamental part of every movie and I think this movie is not an exception for this. This movie has an exceptional soundtrack through the

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