Children At Risk Summary

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Summary, Analysis, for “Children at Risk” The article “Children at Risk,” written by Lawrence Hardy and published in 2006 from American School Board Journal. This article is signifying that children under age six poorly nourished and lack of success in school, and in existence of life. This article says that “most, however, have avoided the obvious implication of this understanding raising the achievement of lower- class children requires amelioration of the social and economic condition of their lives, not just for school reform.” A critic say Rothstein’s position lets school off the hook. They can blame societal factors for the failure of disadvantaged students without turning a mirror on themselves. The Author question that how can schools help “at-risk” kids beat the odds? The author also describes that social scientists have identified six primary risk factors, all of which are common in low-income households: poverty itself, welfare dependence, absent parents, one-parent families, unwed mothers, …show more content…

According the Center on Hunger and Poverty at Brand University, “the number of people how report experiencing actual hunger rose 43percent in American between 1999 to 2004, from 3.1million to 4.5million, while food insecurity defined as limited or uncertain access to healthy food increased from 31 million to 38.2 million, a number that includes 14 million children.” This statistic will help to identify the number of children under insecure food and malnourished. Therefore, poor children suffer from obesity. Because the families are spending their money on mortgages and rent. Deborah Frank of the Boston Medical Center clinic says “poor families often gorge on cheap, fattening, non-nutritious food, soda and French fries will keep a child feeling full overnight.” (19) because the low-income family cannot afford to buy a healthy

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