Childhood Obesity Prevention Case Study

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Obesity is a worldwide epidemic that is quickly becoming worse. Going by the government initiative the pyramid of the four tiers of obesity care, population-wide intervention is the largest section that is associated with the prevention of obesity. As the NHS spend over £5 billion per year on the treatment of obesity it is thought that preventing obesity is the most cost effective way of treating obesity. There are many campaigns to help individuals have a healthier diet which are Change4Life, 5-a-day and the eat well plate (Robinson and Border, 2015). Globally to reduce the prevalence of adult obesity childhood obesity needs to be prevented. Population-based obesity prevention are divided into three broad components structures, which are "Structures within government to support childhood obesity prevention policies and interventions, Population-wide policies and initiatives and Community-based interventions (Royal School of Physicians, 2013)”. These initiatives are implemented by having the correct standards and guidelines, marketing of certain foods and nutritional labelling and the correct intervention programmes (Population-based approaches to Childhood Obesity Prevention, 2012). To prevent obesity though the individual has to take responsibility this can be done by keeping energy intake from fats and sugars to a minimum, increasing the intake of fruits and vegetables and also legumes, nuts and whole grains and also adults should have 150 minutes of exercise per week and children should take part in 60 minutes per day. At a social level political commitment and the collaboration of many public and private stakeholders. Physical …show more content…

(2015) 'Obesity Treatments', POSTnote, 495(1), pp. 2-4. Royal College of Physicians. Action on obesity: comprehensive care for all. Report of a working party. London: RCP, 2013. Population-based approaches to Childhood Obesity Prevention. (2012). 1st ed. Geneva: WHO Document Production Services,

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