Childhood Memories In The Glass Castle

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When the topic of childhood memory pops up in a conversation the listeners would think the story teller is telling the truth right? Well, what if I said that the people telling the stories might not even know if they aren’t? When these stories are told most don’t realize the little bit of memory actually involved. So how much or it is true and how much it came from another inaccurate place? Where could something like that come from? Were Jennette Walls’ memories real? Does this affect you or is it not a big dilemma? Should these be considered There are several different debates within itself but the main one to focus on is are your memories even your memories?

The main point in someone remembering their memories is that are they actually …show more content…

The story displays many childhood memories like how her father gave her something in the sky rather than a present, or how she tumbled out of a car, or even something like what she did to her favorite toy. These tie into how “There’s a good chance that at least a few of your childhood “memories” never actually happened” (Dahl). Now it becomes a question of how much of that memory actually came from her memory and how much of a stretch these memories might actually be. On first glance you would say these stories are definitely memories of Walls’. She does occasionally back it up with evidence of it being real, right? What she remembers is so specific and impactful on her future that of course you would expect it to all be real considering she made a whole book about it. However, on the other side these memories could just have easily been from her parents or siblings. It is kind of odd how much she remembers of her childhood vs. what most people remember, which is what leads me to conclude that although Walls’ memories show signs of being her own and accurate they show many more signs and prove to be inaccurate and possibly not even …show more content…

This debate could easily split through the middle but the evidence proves these memories to be more fiction than non-fiction. The reason behind this is simply that the chances of memories like this having more non-fiction than fiction are small, although it always can have non-fiction or start off that way. But some argue that is some parts of it are true and they know it’s true, then it should be considered to be that way. After all of the evidence proving so many cases like this to be fiction it is safer to say that unless you are positive and have evidence to prove your childhood story non-fiction than it should be considered

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