Child Soldiers Argumentative Essay

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During the past year of 2017, the amount of enlisted child soldiers in the Middle East and North Africa have doubled, specifically in places that are corrupted by war such as Syria Yemen and Iraq. One may ask what a child soldier is. A child soldier, according to the United Nations definition, is a soldier that is under the age of 18. The use of them is frowned upon in many places and is also often illegal, even though researchers estimate that there are now 28 million active child soldiers across the globe. That means one in fifty children is a child soldier. They are also notoriously known for their criminal acts, including assault and robbery just to name a few. They also live in horrid conditions. Many citizens debate about child soldiers. Some people believe that child soldiers should be jailed for their crimes although I believe they should given amnesty because, they have been traumatized, have never been taught right from wrong, and they have no control in what they are doing. They deserve …show more content…

Where others had parents and school, these young soldiers did not. One can conclude that from the statement of Abdisalam Abdillahi from the article “Armed and Underage” “He should be in school,” says Awil’s commander, Abdisalam Abdillahi that youngsters should be in school and not being a menace to society. “But there is no school to attend.” Also, one can conclude that many do not have parents and/or parental guidance because many parents sell them off in desperation. The statement from the article “Child Soldiers: Perpetrators or Victims?” from the organization “Invisible Children” concludes that there are over one million orphaned. They did not have parents or school to teach what behaviors are right and which ones are wrong. If no one in the world had been taught the difference, then they would all be criminals in one extent or the

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