Child Slavery Essay

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Modern child labour is a terrible form of slavery. Known to occur in third world countries, it can be considered the worst form of slavery because of the horrible hardships the children must endure. Physical and mental disorders, education barriers or being uneducated, child isolation, child prostitution, terrible working conditions and being underpaid are all prevalent in child labour populations. Child slavery is the worst form of slavery because it causes physical and mental disorders and creates education barriers for the children enslaved, therefore deprives them of a normal childhood.
Child slavery is the worst form slavery due to the risk of development of mental disorders. Children are more likely to develop a mental disorder since their brains are still developing making them more vulnerable. This is a big factor on whether or not a child will be able to experience childhood appropriately. Enslaved children can develop mental disorders such as anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorder known to develop due to environmental factors. Since these children are abused they can develop this disorder. This leads to getting mental stress and developing great anxiety. (Shirlee p. Newman, 2000, 13) These children can also develop learning and communication disorders such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, dyspraxia, and dysphasia. These disorders make it a lot harder for a child to read, do math, write, have proper motor skills, and others. (Shirlee p. Newman, 2000, 15) These disorders, usually genetic can also develop in a child if they encounter trauma in their environment such as a stroke or brain injuries. Brain injuries are bound to happen to these child labourers due to all of the abuse they go through such as getting beat if t...

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...abourers in 1999 were 103 million, and the number in 2006 was 75 million. (Kevin Bales & Becky Cornell, 2008, 30) So even though the number of child labourers is decreasing, there are still a lot of them enslaved. Child slavery plays a very big role in a child’s decreasing a child’s education and prevents the child from growing up with a normal education like other children.
In conclusion, there are still millions of children out there in third world countries working for their masters who have illegally enslaved them. Since these are just children and are enslaved, it makes the matter worse because they will not be able to grow up like a normal child would in terms of their physical and mental health, and their ability to obtain an education. Child slavery is the worst type of slavery and should be brought to everyone’s attention to make a change in this world.

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