Child Poverty Case Study

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1. When discussing three specific ways poverty impacts the lives of children and assess whether these effects are temporary or likely to have lasting effects on the child future well-being, most would say temporary. I learned in my juvenile justice class the differences between static and dynamic. WE can always change dynamic, such as lifestyle chooses, environment, location, family, and even give them better resources, yet you cannot change static ones such as race, gender, and past history, these factors are the most important , and have a lasting effects on a person being, even as an adult.

The first specific way poverty impacts is health and eaten habits. Yes, rich people can be overweight, but they choose to be. Living in an urban low-come area, children’s family can’t afford packing healthy products. Some are on a budget, and can’t buy the bag of fruits and vegetables, when they can buy two boxes of Roman noodles for $5.00. Also, it is a lot cheaper going to Burger King buying a meal for the family, than cooking a full healthy meal. Another problem with this is some family’s work two jobs a day, and do not have time to cook, so they stop and buy food. Yes, again they can change their future eaten habits, but just like using drugs for ten years, the damage is already done. …show more content…

Society knows when a person does not belong to this group. It is easier for a 25-year-old white person to get a job at a business than a 25-year-old black person. As we read The Mark of a Criminal Record by Devah Pager, black people have to work twice as hard as white people to get a head in life. Even Pager knows this, when she added 50 more resumes to the black side, than the white, because she knew she would get less call backs. Also, talking about the school to person pipeline, here are some stats on black people being sent to person from

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