Child Obesity

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Public health nursing focuses on promoting the health of a community. This position requires attention to measures such as conducting community assessments, identifying vulnerable populations, ethical practices, community education, epidemiology, and more. One such issue addressed by public health nursing is childhood obesity. Obesity has been, and continues to be, a major global health concern. As a public health nurse, identifying populations, assessing risks, and educating a community all contribute to finding a system that helps address this concern. With rates increasing, especially in adolescents and children, this health issue is a serious epidemic effecting the world. Obesity is defined as excess body fat and is commonly measured by comparing weight and height. This process is not perfect and does not distinguish between fat and muscle. Measuring obesity in children is even less specific than for adults. Additionally, there are no set guidelines for defining severe obesity in children (Ogden, 2011). For children up to age 19 height and weight are plotted on a sex specific graph call the BMI-for-age 2000 CDC growth charts shown in the image to the right. Children between the 85th and 95th percentile are considered overweight while children above the 95th are obese. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2011), obesity among children and teens has tripled in the United States in the last generation to 12.5 million or 16.9% of the population ages 2-19 years old. For adults the rates are double those of children and adolescents at 73 million or 33.8%. According to Trugilo-Londrigan & Leweson (2011), a fundamental element of public health nursing is the ability to understand the epide... ... middle of paper ... ...Public Health, 94(9), 1555-1559. doi:10.2015/AJPH.94.9.1555. Economic Research Service, US Department of Agriculture. Access to affordable and nutritious food. Measuring and understanding food deserts and their consequences: report to Congress. Washington, DC: US Department of Agriculture; 2009. Retrieved from: . Ogden, C.L., Carroll, M.D., Curtin, L.R., Lamb, M.M., Flegal, K.M. Prevalence of high body mass index in US children and adolescents, 2007--2008. JAMA 2010;303:242--9. Singh, G., Siahpush, M., & Kogan, M. (2010). Rising social inequalities in US childhood obesity, 2003-2007. Annals of Epidemiology, 20(1), 40-52. doi:10.1016/j.annepidem.2009.09.008 Truglio-Londrigan, M., & Leweson, S., (2011). Public health nursing: practicing population-based care. Second Ed. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

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