Child Care, Parenting Style And Attachment

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Caldera, Y. M., & Hart, S. (2004). Exposure to child care, parenting style and attachment security. Infant and Child Development, 13(1), 21–33. doi:10.1002/icd.329 In this journal, it includes information about the effects of the security of attachment from parents who have their infants/toddlers with them, to parents who have them in daycare. These sixty mothers went through an observation with their child to understand how their interaction was during a planned task. This observation was performed in order to comprehend if infants/toddlers were at higher risk of having security attachment issues in a daycare and parents not being involved, which proved not to be true. Although, more research needs to be studied to find out further about the significance of child care and attachment securities. I chose this journal because I myself wanted to see if the findings were true about mothers and the way they interact with their children. I too believed that it was truthful about how they considered the mothers could not have been fair in answering the Attachment Q-Set (AQS). Madigan, S., Moran, G., Schuengel, C., Pederson, D. R., & Otten, R. (2007). Unresolved maternal attachment representations, disrupted maternal behavior and disorganized attachment in infancy: Links to toddler behavior problems. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 48(10), 1042–1050. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7610.2007.01805.x In this study, researchers took sixty-four adolescent mothers and their infants to participate in a 24-month study. The researchers wanted to test Bowlby’s attachment theory to find out if Bowlby was correct about if unusual parenting escalates the child’s possibility of abstaining psychopathological effects. The participants were moth... ... middle of paper ... ...n reunited. There was no evidence to prove attachment insecurities by overnight stays with a parent. This information was useful in that it provided different procedures in trying to find a pattern for attachment issues of infant/toddlers of divorced parents or parents who are unmarried, or a parent who abandon the child. Although, for infants repeated overnight stays can be related to attachment issues, but for toddlers the connection was less pleasant to them. I actually chose this reading to see if it could help explain to me why I use to have so many security issues, even though I was sociable. I feel that I was sociable, so it would make up for the lack of things going on at home. I had a lot of issues in my life and my father was never around. Growing up I had anger, resentment towards my mother, and I acted out. This was an interesting article for me.

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