Chesterfield County Public School Board Should Replace Chromebooks In Public Schools

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Should the Chesterfield County Public School Board take away the students’ most valuable learning tool, Chromebooks? The School Board should continue the Chromebook Program. Chromebooks are more convenient, has more learning resources, and let students connect with other students and teachers.

Chromebooks are convenient to students because they are more advanced than paper and pencil, saves paper, and are able to do more things. Since it has such a slim design, they are much lighter than textbooks, easy to carry around, and make more space for other supplies in students’ backpack. These are some reasons why they are so much more advanced than regular school supplies. Chromebooks also save paper by replacing it with online documents, allowing access to online notes and worksheets, and greatly reduce amount of paper printed. One final reason is that Chromebooks are able to do more things, such as to check grades, research information for a project, and create presentations.

Another thing Chromebooks have, is a wide variety of learning resources. They give you access to a bunch of different websites. The websites hold a lot of information, which are a lot more efficient to locate than going through endless …show more content…

They allow groups to work together by sharing documents on Google Drive. That way, multiple students can work on the same document at the same time. They can even work on it when they’re at school. Chromebooks also let students receive assignments from teachers on Google Classroom. It shows you the due date for each assignment to make sure you turn it before the deadline. Students can attach their work onto Google Classroom and submit it in just a click or a button. Students can also send their teacher questions on Google Classroom or Edmodo about homework and projects from home. They can get advice and suggestions, or have their teachers help clarify the

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