Cherokee Play Script

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“Don’t Tim Duncan, Manu Ginobili, and Gregg Popovich play basketball in San Antonio?” “Duncan and Ginobili play. Popovich coaches and tries to bring out the best in them.” “They’re good, but I’ll always love my Heat and Magic no matter what.” “And I will stay a Knicks and Nets representative until my last days on Earth.” “Which, Holy Spirit willing, won’t come soon.” “I’m with you. There’s still much in the world I’d love to discover.” “Did the flight go well? Any catastrophic threats or disruptions?” “None. I joined young men from New Jersey on the flight, and when we landed, we got taken to a large tent with temporary wooden cots. The base at Lackland could accommodate twenty thousand troops, but when we got there, there were over fifty thousand.” …show more content…

What an intriguing idea!” “It was nothing less than extraordinary. You could even say revolutionary. For three days, they tested us, and when we finished basic training, they told me we had taken the tests given to over five thousand new trainees.” “Unbeknownst to you, they measured your score against over a thousand other applicants?” “Turns out it was the truth. I’m glad they imposed no pressure upon us leading up to taking the tests. It’s possible I wouldn’t have done half as good. My acquaintance Jay Schwarz was in another training regiment, and he took the equal tests. From five thousand we got selected for the SAC, for the special weapons training program. A couple Jewish guys from Brooklyn.” “From the innumerable, multitudinous prospects, you and Jay qualified?” “Us. No one else made it. They thought we had the best credentials.” “Unbelievable! There’s so much to your life’s story I didn’t know!” “Well, it’s because you never asked until now. I’ve always been willing to speak.” “Can’t speak for you, but I’m noticing a few rumblings in my stomach.” “Same here. Do you want to close the conversation for now and have breakfast?” “I’m not sure. There’s so much more I would love to hear on Jay and the SAC

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