Chemists and What They Do

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Chemists and What They Do

Chemistry is the central of sciences. Chemistry is based on physics,

applied to the transformation of one substance into another at

molecular level. It is the basis for modern technology at sub-cellular

level. Therefore of the three basic science disciplines, chemistry is

the central. Physics is applied on the chemistry of materials and

compounds such as semi conductors and metals. Biology and modern

medicine is mostly based on organic chemistry.

A chemist is a philosopher who studies substances both natural and

artificial and works out how they can be of use be it good or bad to

society. A chemist works out chemical facts by experimenting and

repetition of experiments. Although the conclusions may not necessary

be correct, they may be used as the basis for further work until a

better explanation arises. In some cases, the fact may be incomplete

and yet useful enough in approximation. Chemists think about these

facts as part of a lager picture, and try to reconcile different facts

and make useful patterns out of them.

Chemistry is definitely all around us. From the building materials to

the medicine we take, chemistry plays an essential role. For example

your building materials, chemical reactions are used to produce

stronger more durable materials. The onus on a chemist is heavy and

the play a vital role in the advancement of the sciences today. For

example, during the green revolution, it was chemical fertilizers that

played a major part of feeding the worlds booming population. Perhaps

another example would be when you wash your clothes. Has it occur to

you that chemistry is involved in the making of bleach or fabric

softener? These substances are added to the water to kill germs and

keep it safe for us.

One great chemist would be none other than Fritz Häber who was awarded

a nobel prize for his great contributions to chemistry. Häber

synthesized ammonia and hence bulk chemical fertilizers, dyes and

explosives. He was also the “mastermind” who invented processes which

have been used to drive all the wars of the last century but yet have

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