Chemistry And Chemistry: The Evolution Of Chemistry

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Science, defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary as “knowledge or a system of knowledge covering general truths or the operation of general laws obtained and tested through the scientific method.”1, is often used by humanity to improve themselves in various aspects. It used Biology and by extension Medicine to restore the human body in the event of an injury, cure the human body in the event of disease, and improve the human body so that it could do its functions more effectively. It is used in Engineering to make homes for people and infrastructure to make life easier to live. It is used in Psychology to better understand people, helps people with mental and psychological conditions cope with their condition and live their …show more content…

Chemistry, defined by Merriam-Webster dictionary as “a science that deals with the composition, structure, and properties of substances and with the transformations that they undergo.”2. It first started as the ancient art of alchemy a set of practices that encompassed elements of various sciences like chemistry, astronomy, and medicine. It is often linked to the quest to turn lead or another common starting metals into metals like gold and other things like the creation of an elixir of immortality and the creation of a medicine that could cure any disease. The transition of alchemy to chemistry started with an alchemist by the name of Jābir ibn Hayyān when he introduced an approach that is systematic and experimental in his work contrasting other alchemists whose works were largely allegorical and often unintelligible. This influenced others into using the new empirical method and eventually reshape the old alchemical traditions into a scientific discipline, this discipline went on to discover new concepts like the law of conservation of mass, and the atomic theory. Today chemistry widely studied and has numerous modules regarding the topic.

This module in particular is going to focus on Consumer Chemistry, defined by as “a niche branch of chemistry centered on the study of how different elements mix to create consumable products.”3. The concepts that this module will discuss would be Stoichiometry, …show more content…

It has two types, Composition Stoichiometry and Reaction Stoichiometry. Composition Stoichiometry deals with the conversion between the Mass, the number of Moles, and the number of Particles of a given substance, and it only deals with a single substance. Reaction Stoichiometry on the other hand deals with the qualitative relationship between reactions and products in a balanced equation, and it deals with multiple

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