Cheating Vs Cheating

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“For every clever person who goes to the trouble of creating an incentive scheme, there is an army of people, clever and otherwise, who will inevitably spend even more time trying to beat it. Cheating may or may not be human nature, but it is certainly a prominent feature in just about every human endeavor. Cheating is a primordial economic act: getting more or less” (21). This quote is important because it proves how everyone has cheated once. In many cases it is true, people often cheat on tests or even on their diet. Not everyone can live up to their expectations. Some may justify it, others proudly proclaim it, and others will try denying their cheating vigorously. Most people consider cheating as a bad and unwise action. In this novel, it gave two examples of cheaters, school teachers and sumo wrestlers. It shows how both authors can take two different people and still find something similar with both of them, like cheating. “One characteristic of information crimes is that very few of them are detected. Unlike …show more content…

I felt that it was one sided and only showed one part of the story. It showed the scientific things about everything and did not have any counter arguments. It showed discrimination between the white and black names. For example, if someone had a white name they would be treated better than other names like Joshua or Jordan. The book had many topics, but they all had unique similars like crime, cheating, and parenthood. “These two factors, childhood poverty and a single-parent household, are among the strongest predictors that a child will have a criminal future. Growing up in a single-parent home roughly doubles a child’s propensity to commit crime. So does having a teenage mother”(139). In this quote it shows one side of growing up with a single-parent, not every child that has a single-parent is going to be criminals. This book did not show any counter argument about the other side of the

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