Cheating Flaws

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A student does not know the answers to his test that the teacher has given to him, he stares at the blank page with unanswered questions. As the problem looks more perplexing, the student decides to turn in his unanswered test. When the results for his test are returned, he notices that he failed the test. This is the situation for those students that are in elementary to the university level for those who copy homework from other classmates. The student does not realizes that cheating is “okay”, but also are not learning to the full potential that will help them prepare for upcoming test and quizzes. By using the work of others, it would and can ruin their grades and eventually ruin their future. It is unethical to cheat when the teacher has …show more content…

Taking the work of others and using it as one’s own is not the logical choice. Whenever the student cheats it shows a lack of responsibility and knowledge on the students behave, because from the teacher's perspective it shows that the student is unwilling to put effort into their own work. For example, if I cheated on my math homework by using another classmate's paper, I would be the one who would be taking credit for another's work. Then if the teachers finds it, the consequences are usually failure on the assignment if the teacher notices similarities with the other classmate’s paper and mine it would leave a record in my transcript that I have cheated. The cheating continues it would eventually lead into a habit, that can ruin the students future. Cheating is the easy way to complete homework and to make life and thinking become easier, but we all have brains that are made to help create a process our thinking of our thoughts. Continuously cheating will not lead to a successful future. Cheaters usually suffer many consequences, to put it into perspective a student in elementary school is caught cheating it may lead them to have a warning and possible is deducted his credit and is then sent to have a talk with his parents, teacher, and maybe the principle. Then in middle school, any form of academic dishonesty will be

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