Cheating Definition Essay

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Students are always trying to find the easy way out especially when it comes to school. There’s parental, peer and academic pressure that causes people to cheat. Cheating has become an epidemic among schools nationwide. People believe its unethical and immoral, your main goal in school is to gain as much knowledge as possible, cheating results in nothing learned which doesn’t benefit you in the long run. There was a time when cheating was wrong and rare, but today the whole “importance of learning” aspect has been nearly eliminated. Everyone is focused on being the best and they don’t care what they have to do to get there. Our society seems to believe that the more material wealth you have the more successful you are. I think this is frustrating …show more content…

Although many people among my age understand that, the act still manages to happen. Some may copy short passages or even a sentence and that still constitutes as plagiarism. I believe we ourselves are to blame for not caring and not considering the long term effects of it. We have no one to blame but ourselves and the world we live in.
Cheating in every situation is wrong due to the fact that if we get caught we get in trouble. It isn’t exactly the moral or ethical fact to me personally, it’s more of the issue that if I get caught I get in trouble and end up feeling degraded, although I should have felt that from the start. For some students it doesn’t even faze them. I’m not saying that everyone one who cheats are an awful person, because that would mean just about every student at your average school would be, including me.
Cheating and plagiarism should be more frowned upon and there needs to be harsher punishments. I think that if society didn’t have such high standards and didn’t expect so much more from the youth, cheating would be dimmed down and not as common. We’d actually be able to focus on learning; therefore, we’d be better educated in the

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