Cheapskate Research Paper

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Cheapskate or Spendthrift? Well these days a lot of people's hobbies are becoming to be a little too expensive. They have to spend a lot on something that is little. How much do you spend on your hobbies?
It all started on November 21, the opening of gun deer hunting season. Sydney and her dad Steve were hunting in Antigo Wisconsin. Both father and daughter said It was extremely frigid while they were hunting in the stand. Also both of them said there feet were cold but it was weird because there was absolutely no wind at all. One morning it was 30C outside with a little bit of wind and they only stayed out for a little bit and got really cold right away.
None of the other hunters that stayed with them shot one either. They all got really …show more content…

“ I really hope we see something to”, Sydney said “and now they know to wear some more warm clothes.” The clothes that they have right now aren't really keeping them that warm. That explains why they both could not feel their feet. They still had to spend a lot of money on as something as little as a pair of socks or a pair of gloves. Something that they love to do is starting to become a little too expensive for them.
In a recent survey, results from the question why do people spend more than others were good. But it asked me how often do these people do this hobby? One answer was Because they like to have the best things to do the things they love. Another answer was Because they enjoy their hobby. What we should really think is some people are more obsessed than others about their hobbies. Maybe they make money but at the same time they spend it.
It was found that 5/9 people said yes to whenever something new came out, would you go out and buy it right away? 2 of the 9 said “it depends on what the price is and what their hobby is”. If it is expensive or not and it depends how much loose money they have like pocket money. It would depend on if they were big into their hobby or if they have more than one

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