Charmetha White Summary

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On 12/20/2017, Licensing Program Analyst (LPA) Charmetha White conducted an interview with Child, Alexander Lara DOB:09/08/2003 Age: 14. Alexander will be referred to as Child #1 (C1) for the remainder of this report. LPA asked C1 was he being given his medication? C1 said yes. LPA asked C1 how often did he have to take his medication? C1 said he has to take medication every day; he takes Focalin in the morning and evening, then at bedtime he takes Clonidine. LPA asked C1 had any of the staff given him too much medication or had anyone made him take medication when he was not supposed to? C1 said no, the staff have been giving him his medications around the same time each day and he has been taking his medications. LPA asked C1 had any of

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