Babylon Revisited Sparknotes

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Charlie's Attempt to Overcome the Past in Fitzgerald's Babylon Revisited Babylon Revisited is made up of different characters with different ideologies in life. The Protagonist, Charlie is a reformed alcoholic who had come back to take his daughter. Marion is Charlie's sister- in - law who dislikes him because she thinks he caused her sister's death. I think Marion is emotionally disturbed. She overacts to things that happen in everyday life. Lincoln is Marion's husband .He tries to keep things as even as possible for Marion. Loraine and Duncan are ghosts from Charlie's past and they came to haunt him at the end of the story. We are always being haunted by our past sins and Misdemeanors. Even when we have been reformed, it takes a …show more content…

I stayed for one year before I went back for my Children. I had to get to know them again. I can relate to Charlie when he told Honoria "I want to get to Know you" (9).When you stay away from you children for sometime , you feel that they have grown so much and there is so much you don't know about them. Charlie had reasons to mistrust Marion .As Fitzgerald put it " Charlie became increasingly alarmed at leaving Honoria in this atmosphere of hostility against himself; sooner or later, it will come out in a word here, a shake of head there, and some of the distrust will be irrevocably implanted on Honoria"(13). It is not easy to leave your child with some one who you Know definitely does not like you. The father and Daughter bond is a strong bond and if it is destroyed at this early age it can become very difficult to restore it. Marion was very strongly biased against …show more content…

Duncan and Lorraine were ghosts from the past. It is always difficult to forgive and forget the past especially when death is involved. It is the natural instinct of Man to find someone to blame for death. Marion already considers Charlie responsible for her sister's death. The appearance of Loraine and Loraine's reference to Charlie's former state when she said "I remember once when you hammered on my door at four A.M. I was good enough sport to give you a drink" (17) completely shocked Marion. After, that incident it was difficult for her to trust Charlie. It confirmed Marion's earlier statement that her sister had died because of Charlie's ill treatment. All he had done when he came back to Paris the second time were forgotten in that split

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