Charlie And The Chocolate Factory And Willy Wonka Similarities

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Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Vs Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

“Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” and “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” are both amazing movies about a poor boy who somehow gets lucky and meets Willy Wonka himself. They both have the same main idea but there are a few differences about the settings, how the characters look like, and what happens to them. The older one (Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory) was made in the year of 1971, and the new one (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) was made in 2005.
The similarities I have noticed about the movies is that they both really start out the same, showing a little boy named Charlie who lives in a poor family and has four grandparents. He loves Willy Wonkas …show more content…

First let’s start with Charlie, he’s poor in both of the movies but in the old one they talked about him having a job, but in the new one they talk nothing of a job. He also made a model of Willy wonkas factory out of tooth paste lids in the new one. Now let’s talk about how he looks, in the old one he has blond curly short hair, he has, light blue eyes and wears really old clothes and is super skinny. In the new one he has something like a bole cut, he has light brown hair and his clothes are even worse than the old one. Now Vilot, in the old movie she has long curly dirty blond hair, she has pretty blue eyes, and wears really nice clothing. Mike, in the old one he wears a cowboy outfit with a white cow boys hat and a little toy gun hanging on his belt. He has short brown hair and something like a bole cut too, his eyes are a dark brown. In the new one he has spikey hair, a black shirt with red sleeves and black pants, I think he’s going through that emo stage. Vilot, in the old one she has long brown hair, has dark blue eyes that really pop, she wears really nice clothing and always has gum ether in her mouth or behind her ear. In the new one she has blond hair that goes down to her neck, she has really light blue eyes wears the same clothes as her mother, kind of weird if you ask me, ether she likes wearing the same stuff as her mom or she mom forced her to. Either way I feel bad for that girl.

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