Charles K. Brightbill's Definition Of Leisure

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Leisure is essential

Leisure is a way to get out of the reality world. People are seeking to have fun and exciting experiences since everyone is always busy with work. Leisure is not just free time that everyone has, but there is a deeper meaning into it. How one spends their spare time is significant to their own discovering of who they are. Leisure will change a person’s life in a positive way since one will learn on how to deal with problems without any assistance from others. One will spend their free time differently from time to time and this will affect their future. Everyone has his or her own definition of leisure but no matter what leisure is always beneficial toward one’s life. The word” leisure” can mean an assortment of …show more content…

Brightbill’s definition of leisure, Gist and Fava in Urban Society 1964 states” Leisure is the time, which an individual has free from work or other duties and which may be utilized for the purposes of relaxation, diversion, social achievement, or personal development.” Personally, I prefer the way Joffre Dumazedier define the meaning of leisure, he wrote, “ Leisure is activity - apart from the obligations of work, family, and society - to which the individual turns at will, for either relaxation, diversion, or broadening his knowledge and his spontaneous social participation, the free exercise of his creative capacity.” There are too many different definition of leisure, and each of us not only has our own definition of it, but also has our own version of what we do …show more content…

Therefore, most of my time was play outside games, such as jumped rope, tag, or hide and seek. When I was growing up, I joined volleyball and had played for 5 years from middle school to high school. During this period, besides studying, I used my time to practice and play volleyball. When I turned 21 years old, I immigrated to America. In here I have school and work at the same time. I work five days per week, and go to school for two days. I have to work a certain amount of hours or more to pay the rent, bills, and education. I do not have time for just thinking why I have to work too hard. My leisure time in the last five years was just work and school. Before start writing this essay, I created a game for myself within one week. I wrote down the list of things that I have done not related to school or work, and I realized a huge amount of my day consisted of being on my phone. Phone usage ranging from texting/ calling/ face timing to social media. After noticed the amount of time that I spend for all of my activities during the past week, I have become aware of the hours that I waste by doing unnecessary activities. I do not want to work five or six days per week for the rest of my life. I understand that doing activities will enhance our thinking but perhaps, also lead to feeling more stressful. Meanwhile, laying the mind to rest helping us reduce work’s

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