Emily Dickinson And Thomas Whitman

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While Whitman believes in a separation of the body and soul, he has confidence in the soul’s permanence. Dickinson connects the body and soul and sees greater finality and death. Both Whitman and Dickinson use imagery to describe the final resting place for death however, Whitman describes how the soul lives on and Dickinson illustrates that the soul dies with the body. In the fifth stanza Whitman describes his decaying body being placed beneath the ground after death: “I bequeath myself to the dirt, to grow from the grass I love”(10). Whitman uses imagery to describe to the reader how his flesh and bones will be placed below the ground and will become part of the grass he once adored. Whitman demonstrates his body will decay and as it …show more content…

Whitman does not have a personal connection to the physical body like he does with the soul. Consequently, he does not capitalize anything relating with the body to give the effect that it has no importance: “I effuse my flesh in eddies, and drift it in lacy jags” (9). Whitman describes letting go of all material things, such as his pants. While letting go of his clothes during death, he is freeing his soul to go and become part of nature. Differently, Dickinson uses capitalization to show how the the soul is going with the body to eternity. She is describing the carriage that is driven by death itself and declares, “The Carriage held but just Ourselves –/And Immortality” (3-4). Dickinson specifically capitalizes “Ourselves” and “Immortality to show that the body is equivalent to the soul because the carriage is carrying both inside. She then reveals that both the soul and body are going towards eternity: “I first surmised the Horses’ Heads/Were toward Eternity –” (19-20). The horses that Dickinson is referring to are the horses that are driving the carriage. She capitalizes “Eternity” because she wants to give the effect, the carriage she mentioned before is carrying both the body and soul towards

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