Empathy as a Defining Characteristic: Insights from 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?'

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Thesis Statement. Dick’s novel is set in a world in which little life remains following the nuclear war ‘World War Terminus’. Centring around the bounty-hunter Rick Deckard’s pursuit of six renegade Nexus-6 androids; ‘Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?’ digs deep into “thesis keyword”, using the absence of life as a vehicle to propose empathy as a (if not ‘the’) defining human characteristic. By way of inferring the hidden messages found within the theology, technological progression, philosophy and psychological experience of Dick’s work, the reader is able to undoubtedly conclude that thesis statement.
Thesis Statement. Dick’s introduction of the Penfield mood organ depicts a human civilisation in which a person can, and will, program one’s own emotional states. Iran, Deckard’s wife, has – almost suddenly – become aware of this evident …show more content…

The representation of capitalism and communism is very prevalent in ‘Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?’ This is by way of the metaphorical figure heads Buster Friendly and Wilber Mercer. J.R Isidore, a biologically unacceptable ‘special’ by means of the radioactive dust of WWT – outcast as a menace to the pristine heredity of the emigrated human race – and yet, unknown to himself, Dick’s purest form of empathy and circumstantial understanding: “I think Buster Friendly and Mercerism are fighting for control of our psychic souls.” Capitalism and Communism are two entirely diverse economic systems. Buster Friendly and the Replicant community represent capitalism; propaganda of specific brand name (Penfield mood organ, Mountibank lead codpieces) and corrupt corporation (the Rosen Corporation), fed through a television set – a quintessential self-sustaining capitalist economy. Whereas, Mercerism is a political system of equality; Mercer being a mantra of sorts, someone to contemplate and empathize with in order to maintain social order – saving the world from android's indifference and apathy. Thesis

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