Charles Darwin Your Inner Fish Summary

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Sad to say, but Charles Darwin was not the first person to bring up the idea about evolution. However, he was one of the first person to propose the mechanisms for evolution. Before reading Your Inner Fish, I would explain to someone that evolution is the theory of how an organism change over time, not due to being able to adapt in one’s lifetime, but rather, due to the fittest ones being able to live long enough to reproduce moreso than those who are not as fit. Consequently, evolution is not promoted much. For this reason, the only time a person really learns about this subject is in a Biology classroom. For those who disregard this subject and who do not really care, they fail to understand how the modern world came to be. Through a certain …show more content…

It makes a lot of sense to me when I learned about the body plan of each organism. Before reading chapter six, I never realized that many organisms out there share the same characteristics that humans possess, such as having a brain, sense organs, heads, spinal cord, an anus, and much more. The only thing that was in my mind before reading this chapter wasn’t the ways that we are similar, but rather, the differences that part humans from animals. However, learning about the embryonic stage allows for us to clearly see the similarity between humans and many other organisms. WIth similar structures in the beginning, many organisms- such as reptiles, fish, and mammals- grow similarly. Learning about the experiment that von Baer and Pander conducted, the case for evolution became stronger. Their conclusion of the three layers of tissue that chickens possessed during the developing embryonic stage allowed for the further discovery of the three layers in every species. WIth this knowledge, it was later discovered that every animal organ comes from one of the three layers. In addition to that, the brain forms in the same layer for each species, and the same would go for other organs. I just find it interesting to see the similar ways that embryos develop, no matter of how different the organisms will look in later stages of …show more content…

But now, I understand more about this subject, and I am appreciative for reading this book. There were subjects that I didn’t understand before that I do now. For example, the idea of DNA is one of the subject that I understand more now. Last year, I learned that many organism’s DNA’s are the same. However, I never understood how they were the same. I thought that if we all had the same DNA, we would all look the same. Now, I understand that we all have the same DNA, but each organism’s DNA are activated at different

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