Charity Begins at Home

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Charity Begins at Home

Some people think that charity should and does begin at home; others

think that it does not begin at home but in your community, most of

the time it depends what you would class as where your home is. Some

people would class your home as your house and the building you live

in, others would class it as the surrounding area like the town,

village or city you live in. If it was possible for Christians to help

everyone as they started out then they would as they learn in the

Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) it is good to help

anyone that is in need no matter what race/religion they maybe.

Many Christians have good reasons for doing charity work and why they

actually do it. Christians feel that it is their duty to help the less

fortunate in anyway possible no matter what, in the bible it tells

them that you must help the poor in Luke 6:20-21 it says that the poor

are special therefore you must aid them and so telling you to aid the

poor is effectively starting by working in a charity or putting

donations in. Christians will also follow the Golden rule which is to

treat others as you would want to be treated.

There are also some reasons why not just Christians but other people

would not do charity work and want to help the poor and needy in the

third world. If you do not give to a registered charity then there is

no guarantee that your money is going to someone that actually needs

it, but many people would be clever enough to not make this mistake;

but you do have to be careful with your money. Many people believe

that people abroad should ask their government to help them and not to

rely on us giving them aid, this however I feel is a very selfish view

to take and is not the sort that a Christian would take, but a selfish

person who wouldn’t want to help the poor and needy.

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