Characteristics That Make A Successful Online Learner

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Being comfortable in a virtual environment, being a self-disciplined leaner and being able to preserve are among the characteristics that I believe make a successful online learner. My previous experience in online courses and my graduate education have prepared me to enter a program that has the majority of its curriculum online.

During my undergraduate studies, I had the opportunity to take a few of my courses online. I am comfortable utilizing the technology and resources in online classrooms. Additionally, I learned how to adapt to different online platforms. One course required bi-weekly contributions to a discussion thread. This helped me become more comfortable expressing myself in writing as opposed to verbal discussions in a traditional classroom. In another course the final project was a group project, it was the first time I was part of a group that I would never meet face-to-face. Everything was coordinated and shared over email. Although different, both assignments made the online courses engaging and helped to enrich my learning experience.

Aside from basic technology skills, success in online courses requires self-motivated learning and good time-management …show more content…

The curriculum was demanding and finding a balance between class, seminars, and research was challenging at first. I was responsible for designing and executing experiments that would support my thesis. I had to make and meet deadlines not only for classes but for conferences and seminars. The progress of my degree and my research depended on me showing up every day and taking responsibility for my learning and my goals. Eventually, I learned how to better manage my time. Scheduling time for each task by writing in a physical planner turned out to work best for me. It kept me on track and allowed me to look ahead and plan continuously. Graduate school taught me to learn in new ways; how to be self-motivated and how to take

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