Characteristics Of Mutually Assured Destruction

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When it comes to a legacy, there are many characteristics that could result in an important and long lasting history. You could be known for honesty, good deeds, social cooperativeness, and compassion. Yet, even in bad ways like that of the infamous. There are good and bad legacies, such as that of Hitler, Heinrich Himmler, Benito Mussolini, and Osama Bin Laden. These people who have left a negative impact and bad legacies live on forever. People who have good legacies are people such as Gandhi, Martin Luther King Junior, and Abraham Lincoln. A growing issue and legacy left by many nations and organizations around the world that has had, currently has, and will have a large effect on the world as a whole is the arms race and arms control. …show more content…

The future could be a vision of barren wastes, even if only one nation takes a wrong turn. This comes from the idea of M.A.D., or Mutually Assured Destruction which for many years has kept most nations at bay. Mutually Assured Destruction is the idea that if one nation launches a nuclear assault on another nation. The nation being targeted and its allies will then respond with a retaliatory nuclear strike. The process continues until the allies of multiple nations all launch their nuclear weapons at multiple different countries resulting in the destruction of all of them. Mutually Assured Destruction is not the only mentality keeping nuclear powerhouses at bay. There are multiple treaties that discuss the disarmament of nuclear bombs as well as the prevention of anti-ballistic missile defense systems. These all keep multiple countries at bay, but as expected, some do not follow these treaties to a tee or have completely dropped out of

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