Characteristics Of Homelessness

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Homelessness issues
Homeless is a convenient label for a variety of objective and subjective conditions of impoverish (Gory, M.l., Ritchey, F.J., & Mullis, J.,1990: Phelan, Link, Moore and Stueve, 1997). One serious obstacle to the study of homeless is the lack of characteristics of homelessness. National Heath Care for the Homeless (2016) shared there are groups of people who experience homelessness in different ways, but all homelessness is characterized by extreme poverty coupled with a lack of stable housing (Lee, Tyler & Wright, 2010). According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary (2016), homelessness refers to “having no home or permanent place of residence.” Persons who are housed marginally are defined as homeless. Others define homeless …show more content…

Who honestly determines what is right vs. wrong in the status of people’s lives. There are many bias in the ways things are viewed and many of the prejudices are based on the upbringing of human beings. But in working with the homeless population, it heightened an awareness that individuals still have their own internal biases for others’ gender, ethnicity, life style, orientation, status, all the way up to cultural backgrounds, that are withheld from others, especially the homeless people which inspired the effort being made to assist them with their basic survival needs. While, there are many questions that need to be answered to assist the homeless, their are no right answers that are not so clear cut. Homeless exist with no particular face, there are many. According to Phelan, Link, Moore and Stueve (1997), stigmatizing attitudes and actions towards the the homeless, particularly the tendency to blame their situation on the system or other people’s behavior (Lee, Tyler & Wright, 2010). Majority of the homeless’ perception are that “it is not their fault” and no one including the municipality is helping them to achieve their …show more content…

Risk factors for illness need further assessment, because the homeless are exposed to extremely exacerbating influences on their physical halt, such as substance abuse disorders, mental illness, exposure to harsh physical and sociological environments, lack security, and inadequate nutrition (Stein & Gelberg, 1997). Factors such as a poor diet and poor quality housing adversely subjective well-being (Panadero & Guillen, 2015). There is an importance of obtain food to fulfilling other essential needs (Wright, & Tompkins, 2006). There are few places that distributes no-perishable, readily-consumed food and drinks (Homeless Gear,

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