Characteristics Of A Negative Self-Concept

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• seek to move onward and upward in life
• find healthy playgrounds and playmates to associate with.
• have enough self-confidence to cope with new challenges and to view them positively.

Traits of a Negative self-concept include:

A negative self – concept represents weak self-approval. People with a negative self-concept…

• people with a negative self-concept…
• have low self-esteem and strong self-refection, even if they are in denial of it.
• tend to expect failure in what they do
• lack motivation because they have not done well in the past.
• look for the easy way out of situations because they lack self-confidence to work through the situation.
• lack confidence in social situations when meeting new people.
• tend to be unaware of the world and life, usually due to a lack of appropriate exposure.
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• sometimes set goals that are unrealistically high then they feel like failures when those goals can not be reached.
• sometimes set lows that are too low then they feel little success because the challenge was too easy.

On a special note: Hurt children (especially teenagers) are very good Oscar Award winning actors and actresses; Angelina Joelle, Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise, please step aside. Hence, they can appear to be very self –confident. However, if you look very closely and observe over time, you will see their “true colors” emerging. When they are acting, it is as if their live is a bit too perfect and smooth running.

Do a quick assessment of the teen’s self-concept after you have known the teen for a while. You can use the following checklist that I have compiled, based on clinical observation, over the past few decades.

Checklist for positive self-concept

• Does he seem to have self - confidence? How often and under what circumstances?
• Can he point out specific aspects about himself that he likes, which are

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