Character Analysis Of Secret Life Of Bees By Sue Monk Kidd

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In the story of Secret Life of Bees written by Sue Monk Kidd there are many characters that I would admire. Sue Monk Kidd makes August Boatwright the oldest of the sisters the most admirable. In saying that, August is definitely the most encouraging, she is so on top of everything, she has her life together, her house is always clean, she successfully runs a company, and she has lots of inspiring quotes. This wise woman is like a queen bee to her sisters, she is the most influential person because she changes the main protagonist Lily into a different person. Just by the way she carries herself in the story is really a fascinating act. In addition, she is also like a parent figure for most of the characters in the book, especially for her two …show more content…

As a matter of fact, I grew up with my parents telling me “Treat people the way you want to be treated”. Usually, like 90% of the time, I treat people the way I would like to be treated, however, sometimes it doesn’t always work out that way, because some people are just way too immature and impatient. August on the other hand, treats everyone similarly. In other words she treats people with a warm heart and even if they treat her in a poor manner, she still shows them love. Likewise, I would love to change my ways so that I can be like August because she inspires not only me but the people in the book as well. All in all this relates to my life because I feel like even though I can be a little rude sometimes (only when people are rude to me), I am also very likeable, I don’t think I have any people that hate me or want to fight me. I love to be nice to everyone because I love seeing the smile on their faces. Not only is she an amazing person because she treats people the way they would want to be treated, but she also says some very inspiring stuff. Excitingly reading some of her quotes she said in the novel makes me feel so passionate about life. She says stuff that can be incorporated into everyday life, stuff that can change people's lives. One of her quotes that she says is as following: “Every person on the face of the earth makes mistakes, Lily. Every last one. We’re all so human. Your mother made a terrible mistake, but she tried to fix it.” In conclusion, August Boatwright is very intellectual and a very wise woman, she is a great woman because of how she has the ability to become a mother figure for Lily, not very many people can do that. When I grow up and have kids, I would like to be a great father just like August was a mother figure for Lily. I want to awe my children just like August puts Lily in awe of all the magical great deeds she

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