Research Paper On Megan Fox

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10. She Means Business

Many of those who criticized Megan Fox during the peak of her fame claimed that she lacked any acting real talent and had to strip down to her underwear in order to make men interested in her. While it is true that there is no shortage of photos of Fox clad in bra and panties, this picture proves that she can pull off the powerful business woman look just as well. It shows Fox standing on the top of a towering building, wearing a revealing though perfectly respectable black dress. Her long legs run down into a very high pair of high heels while a ring rests on her finger, breaking the hearts of millions of men all over the world and making one very proud.

9. Princess

We can add this to the pile of pictures which prove Megan Fox does not, in fact, have to strip down to her bra and panties to look beautiful. In fact, this picture is probably a better example of Fox’s beauty than the last as she is almost completely covered up.
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This Is 40
There are certain scenes in certain movies which we rewatch over and over again. We take screenshots and search online for stills of said scenes so we can really lose ourselves in those moments. This is a still from one such scene in This Is 40.
In this still, we see a stripped down Megan Fox in a pair of leopard print underwear and a bright pink bra. An extremely lucky necklace hangs down from her neck and nestles comfortably between her breasts. An equally lucky co-star extends her arm and squeezes Fox’s breast, though Fox does not look best pleased. While Megan Fox is clearly not thrilled by the feeling of another woman’s hands on her chest, it is safe to say this scene has put a smile on the face of all those who have seen it.

3. Mickey Mouse

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