Character Analysis Of Clara In Fenstad's Mother

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Everyone wants to stay young and healthy forever because no one wants to grow old. At the beginning of the story Fenstad’s Mother, Harry’s mother, Clara is an independent woman who takes initiative for any obstacle she comes across. Clara strongly believes in what she thinks is right. She will change anything that is wrong in her eyes. Throughout the story, Clara’s age begins to upset her. Her age begins to show, but she tries her best to not feel so old. After a while, Clara starts to accept her age. Clara, who was once the boss of Harry begins to become more dependent on his help, as he becomes the boss of her.
At the beginning of the story, Clara portrays an independent woman. When Harry visits her he notices the letters that she has been writing to her “congressman and political dictators around the globe.” Clara appears to have made accomplishments in her past, because of the picture on her wall of Martin Luther King shaking her hand. Instead of accepting the choices Harry makes, she disapproves them. She does not approve of him going to church and makes the comment, “Skating after church? Isn’t that some doctrinal error?” She hopes that Harry gets back with his ex-wife Eleanor, because she does not think love is the most important thing. Clara does not understand why people of Harry’s generation …show more content…

The second time Clara attended Harry’s composition class she was seen by Harry taking notes and enjoying the class. She got up to waltz when Barb Kjellerud asked for a volunteer. In the car Clara, says “What a wonderful class”. She finally was not thinking about her age. As Harry and Susan are ice skating, they notice Clara sitting on a bench watching them. Clara told Harry that she likes to watch happiness and that she wanted to see him and Susan together. A new side of Clara is beginning to unravel. Loving the little things in life is easy for Clara now and her age is no longer a

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