Atticus Finch: A Beacon of Morality in Maycomb

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In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, one of the most developed characters is Atticus Finch. The story takes place in the 1930s during the Great Depression in the fictional town of Maycomb, Alabama. Atticus is a layer for the state legislature defending a black man; although, many citizens criticize him for this. He does his best throughout the novel to teach his children Jem and Scout about moral responsibility. The author characterizes Atticus Finch as having strong moral fiber and being respectful, compassionate, and calm through her descriptions of his actions, experiences, and public opinion of him. One of Atticus’s defining traits is his respectfulness to all and his respect from most. In the quote, “’You can’t go around making This is reflected in the quote, “Atticus was proceeding amiably, as if he were involved in a title dispute” (171). In this quote, Atticus had just finished cross-examining Mr. Tate and the audience is murmuring about the stale tone of voice he used when speaking to Mr. Tate. This quote shows that Atticus can maintain a calm demeanor, even in a strenuous situation such as fighting for a man’s life. Furthermore, in the quote, “’. . . he could be right dry sometimes’” (221), Miss Stephanie Crawford, the town gossip, is informing Scout about Atticus’s earlier confrontation with Mr. Bob Ewell. While in town, Mr. Ewell walked up to Atticus, spat in his face, and told him he would kill him if it were the last thing he did. Through all of this, Atticus never responded or retaliated because he was allowing Mr. Ewell to calm down by releasing his anger and because Atticus does not condone violence except in the most extreme of cases such as saving another’s life. This quote shows that Atticus is not quick to anger, believes in peaceful resolution, and is not easily vexed. This is his most important trait because it is the most relevant to his profession. If Atticus were easily agitated or resorted to violence to solve issues, he would not be able to function appropriately whilst in a court case. Also, if he chooses to attack, insult, or otherwise offend the citizens of Maycomb, he would not be reelected Atticus never argues with his fellow citizens, which shows their mutual respect for each other. He is also shown to have a deep regard for life as he refuses to extinguish it unless absolutely necessary. Finally, he is shown to be able to maintain his composure, even in the most trying of circumstances. Atticus Finch represents a glimmer of light shining brightly against the darkness surrounding him, and he attempts to expand that light by doing everything in his power to make his town a better place for

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