Chapter Summary Of 'Problems From Philosophy' By James Rachels

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In chapter ten of the book “Problems from Philosophy”, by James Rachels, the author, the author discusses the possibilities of human beings living in an actually reality, or if we are just living in an illusion. Rachels guides us through concepts that try to determine wiether we are living in a world were our perception of reality is being challenged, or questioned. Rachels guides us through the topic of “Our Knowledge of the World around Us”, through the Vats and Demons, idealism, Descartes Theological Response, and direct vs. indirect realism.
This chapter is composed of concepts that try to differentiate between reality and what is actually happening in your mind, and are we living in a matrix? The Vats and Demons idea creates a vivid …show more content…

Surprisingly, Descartes shows that religion might also help explain the basis of knowledge” (Rachels 133). This statement grasps my attention, because for me I see the world through my religion. Sometimes, when there is not an answer for questions I may have, I look back to my religion to help guide me to the correct answer. I find it strange that Rachels referred to it as surprising for Descartes to show that religion might also help guide our basis of knowledge. “Descartes imagined that a powerful “evil spirit” was intent upon deceiving him-a spirit with god-like powers that wanted to fool him about everything. This spirit can not only manipulate Descartes’ experiences, but it can also manipulate his beliefs” (Rachels 126). This quote made me feel like Descartes was trying to conclude that god was not as almighty as everyone puts him off to be. I feel like Descartes wanted us to think that god could also be fooling us at the moment, like this demon with god-like powers is manipulating him. “Color, one of the last elements added by the brain, can make huge difference to our emotions” (Rachels 136). This statement really took my attention, because every time I watch something on the TV that is in black and white, my whole mood change, I just feel gloomy. It’s weird that color is one of the last elements added by the brain, and it has such a huge impact on our life. I can’t imagine how life would be in black and white, color has so much meaning and symbolism, some people think of a color, and that certain color represents a certain thing to them, whether it’s a subject, food, or an

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