Chapter Summary Of He Enduring Debate By John J. Coleman

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he enduring debate is a book that was written by John J. Coleman. It outlines the issues and the existing readings in the history of American politics. The politics of America have been defined by a number of great articles from great philosophers. Some of the writers who wrote about the constitution in America include former presidents such as James Madison. Chapter 3 of the book talks about federalism. Federalism is a form of government that advocates for two or more units to contribute equally to the control of one geographical region. Federal government advocates for sharing of power between the central government and the other units of governance. The discussion below is the summary of the readings on federalism. 12 The federalists wrote a series of letters proving the worth …show more content…

Paul Peterson wrote on the price of federalism. He weighed out options and the consequences of having a federal government. In this chapter, Peterson comes up with the description of two theories, the functional and the legislative. According to Peterson, the functional theory was positive and implied that the federal governments are tasked to perform their obligations fully to the people (Coleman et al, 2011). The legislative theory is brought forward as pessimist by arguing that leaders misuse their powers. Furthermore, Peterson recommends the incorporation of economic realities into policies for proper governance. 14 The framers design. According to Adler, the federal society has no power on the legalities and the policies that affect the general life of the citizens. In addition to that, Adler puts it forward that experts either take part in the societal events, multimedia presentations or the publications. Furthermore, Adler says that the opinion of an expert does not represent the opinion of others. According to Adler all citizens are equal and the constitution defines the basic rights that citizens should enjoy without compromise (Coleman et al, 2011).

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